Friday, July 6, 2012




Is eskinol bad for your face and Can it cause pores?

I have been using eskinol for a year i havent had pimple since then but I just heard that it can actually cause your pores to get bigger or it can cause more pores on your face. If this is true? whats the best facial cleanser to clean my pores? I prefer clinique brand cause I have sensitive skin. Thank you..
    I dont have problems as I stated. Eskinol has been great for me. i just heard recently on this post that it can cause pores. I did try to look for answers on the website but I havent found anything. I dont need to go to a dermatologist cause I have no skin problems. I just want a product review since the eskinol websites I found wasnt helpful...

  • Eskinol is not really that bad. Well, it works for some people but for some it don't. Some are sensitive to the product since it has strong alcohol content and its mainly for mass use. Because of its high alcohol content, some users tend to have dry and flaky skin. I don't think it can cause pores to get bigger though. I used Eskinol years ago but it only made my skin drier and gave some areas of my face a burning sensation. Since you have been using it for a year already and it seems to work well for you, then you're fine with the product. But, in my opinion, I'd rather suggest you to use other products that gives more assurance for your skin. I'd advice you to consult with a dermatologist since you said you have sensitive skin. If you're really concerned with your skin, it's hard to take chances especially on products you are not sure of. However, compared to Eskinol, Clinique is way much better. Since you've been using Eskinol for a long time, why not check out Clinique this time? Changing products once in a while can help you descover the suitable product for you.
  • not that i've heard such cases. eskinol products are hypo-allergenic.
  • i;m now 30. i've used the original eskinol (the one that vilma santos endorses) when i was in highschool. while my classmates then suffers from pimple attacks, i got a fairer skin, hahaha! that's my biggest secret, because back then, the eskinol for men (the one that the late rico yan endorses) doesn't exist yet. when the eskinol for men was launch, i gave it a try, but i return to the original eskinol.
  • here's no product that can 'cause pores.' pores are the miniscule openings in the skin that allows absorption and secretion. the size of the pores depends on the products you use and external factors (i.e. pollution, smoking, heat, food intake etc). why not use a clinique astringent instead of eskinol? you said so yourself that you prefer clinique because of your sensitive skin.

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